2010年10月3日 星期日

Lose Belly Fat | Lose Your Belly Fat 8 tips quickly and naturally

Not only belly fat ugly, but it is scientifically linked to many health problems such as bloating, heartburn, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. And you thought that was a muffin top, the worst! The good news is that it reduce a number of ways, abdominal fat, feel more attractive and to avoid the health closely. The best way to lose belly fat is a sensible diet and cardio and ab exercises to change interval. The 10 best ways to lose abdominal fat – fast and natural.

1. The attempt to burn more fat from foods such as brown rice, whole grain cereals, vegetables, natural fruits, skim milk, lean meat or poultry, seafood and egg eating. I'm sure you already know all to avoid, if they become your favorites! The list includes pizza, burgers, fried foods, pastries, fatty meats and all products with high sugar content.

2. Limit alcohol consumption. To lose belly fat, what you drink is as important as what you eat. Alcohol is OK from time to time. But forget about losing your belly fat if you drink beer and sugar alcohols a day. Beer drinkers will always have a pear shape: swollen belly and breasts man – especially when they are older. Alcohol also stresses the liver, which should work to eliminate toxins. It can get in the way of muscle building.

3. Reduce sodas – because diet drinks, including soft drinks artificially sweetened, they typically contain 5 calories per serving race. So now do not cause weight gain. But these delicious drinks a day is the time to lead to potential problems – you drink less of everything else. So, with 1 or 2 soft drinks per day is fine, but when you are 5 or 6 shot 12 bottles per ounce, this means that the consumption of healthy beverages such as tea yield. The best thing is – gradually reduce the consumption and phase.

4. Keep your body hydrated is important to lose belly fat if your liver'm talk function and fat, they are well drained effectively. Drink plenty of hot water and neutralized the effects of green tea fat-containing foods. This is one of the best natural weight loss.

5. Practice, which primarily help you lose belly fat and maintain. Commencement of work to do at least 30 minutes per day that an activity of the heart muscle and lungs and muscles during exercise. Swimming, running and cycling are an excellent choice for you to burn belly fat. After several months of gradually increasing your workout an hour a day. Cardiovascular exercises are the ones to hit the heart and getting fat as cardio brisk walking, jogging, aerobics and cycling are the best to refine your Tum. If you practice for breakfast, your body burn excess fat in your body if it does not burn food available, making it the best time to burn belly fat.

6. Healthy diet. As the saying goes, "abs are in the kitchen." You train hard abs and build muscle, but if you eat junk food all day, do not lose your belly fat. stop eating processed foods. Eat whole, unprocessed foods.

7. Eating low fat foods is a way to lose belly fat – so the choice to buy and consume foods with low fat content is good, but on one condition – you can not eat more than you normally. Often there is a tendency for the food is "low fat". And fat-free foods can pack on the pounds. Not all fat weighs just won. If you eat too many calories overall in a day, you always have the weight regardless of where they come from the calories!
